What will 2018 bring in recruitment trends?
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One of the biggest task of HR is, of course, recruitment. When we speak of the recruitment process, we immediately think of activities such as the analysis of the requirements of a specific job, attracting candidates to apply for that job, screening the applicants and selecting among them, hiring the chosen candidates to become new employees of the organization, and integrating them into the structure. But this process is undergoing new challenges and influences.
We are currently going toward the end of 2017.. so what news will 2018 bring in recruiting? What the next trends will be?
Apparently, we will be talking a lot about:
AI as part of the recruitment process
While people are quickly adapting to digital innovation and AI, the organizations and company are still rooted to their traditional system, and taking some time to adjust to the change. According to Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends survey, 81% of interviewed said talent acquisition was going to be the most important challenge in 2018. Since 2017, finding talents depended on the recruiter’s skill to automate their workflow. Manually screening resumes is the most time-consuming part of recruiting, especially considering the fact that 75% to 88% of the resumes received for a role are unqualified for the position. The action of screening resumes is estimated to take about 23 hours for only for single job position.
The benefits of AI in recruiting would be to save 23 hours, no disruption, reduce cost per screen by 75%, a 35% decrease in turnover for the company, 20% increase in performance and 4% in revenue per employee.
Team Approach
In the digital world, every part of an organization has been shaking, even its foundations. Things are shifting from the traditional functional hierarchy to the one Deloitte refers to as a “network of teams”. The internal mobility has been rethought and reorganized, careers and job roles are forced to change as well.
The entire team approach is a collaborative method where all the team members with necessary skills to accomplish the goal will contribute at their very best to the success of the project. The benefits of this approach are many: from team bonding, to greater communication, and sharing knowledge. It assures quality of outcomes and quality of work environment.
Create a Great Candidate Experience
Every HR focuses on finding the right person. But way less people focus on how it is actually applying for a job in the company where you work. Candidate experience has the power to win or lose you great talent.
Unhappy candidates wouldn’t try again once they’ve had a bad experience, and for sure they would recommend their friends not to apply as well. Almost 75% of candidates never hear back from companies they apply for, 60% of candidates never hear back after a job interviews. One thing thing is sure: candidate experiences coincides with marketing. Your employer brand is fed by the candidate experience feedback, and this is why it needs to be taken care of. If unsatisfied candidates spread the word that applying to your company isn’t a good experience, it would affect your image.
2018 seems to be bringing even more talks about AI. It is a thriving topic, which is influencing new sectors of HR life and daily tasks. Even what seemed untouchable by AI, is actually now absorbed by it.
On the other side, people will still be in the spotlight. Team approach will be a leader topic, and there will be a regenerated interest over potential candidates and their first experience at the company: the application process. The candidate experience says a lot about a company, and people do judge a lot a book by its cover, so it is necessary to work hard to make it great.
So, be ready for these news trends, recruitment processes will be even more stimulating than before.