Front End Engineer

Creata il 31-01-2017
Location London


At EDITED, you'll be part of our Product and Data team, working closely with other software developers and data scientists, retail specialists and designers to create data-driven solutions to our customers' problems. We've got huge scope to innovate and we always welcome fresh perspectives. You'll be able to make a big impact, and learn a huge amount during your time at EDITED.

We bring in the best candidates to meet our existing team and get to know them before making a hiring decision together.

As a front end engineer, you'll be involved in building new features from scratch, optimising performance on the front end and working alongside the product and design team to create an amazing user experience.

You have a strong CS background and a love for building web applications consisting of more than just HTML and CSS. You've actually built a few in your time. Our web app is primarily built using the latest web technologies - ES6, React, Redux and Radium, so expect to dive straight into those - we’ll teach if you don’t have experience.



  • Experience in building JavaScript applications. You have been using at least one well-known web framework
  • Deep knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Love for crafting beautiful, well-tested code
  • Ability to ship things fast. We move fast and deploy quite a few times every day


  • Experience with ES6, React and Redux, Radium
  • An interest in data visualisation
  • Open-source contributions
  • Strong sense of good engineering and architecture


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